About this branch
Meetings are held on a Wednesday at 7pm in The District Club, St. John’s Street,Whitchurch.
The AGM is held in early February, other meetings at different times in the year depending on the events that are being arranged.
At present there are 16 members on the committee, many of whom have had treatment at the Orthopaedic Hospital.
Branch members hold a Street Collection every year, usually in May, & also apply for collections at Tesco and Sainsburys.
For the last few years the branch have been lucky enough to hold a Coffee Morning at Alderford Lake and this has been the most successful fundraising event.
The branch have also held an Exit Collection at Bangor Races in early December and collected at Whitchurch Cricket Club.
Additional information
Angela Whitter
Vice Chairman
Marie Barrow
Helen Hulme
Sarah Watson-Jones

Whitchurch branch details
01691 404401 | 01691 404527