Posted on 9 August 2018

New wheelchairs to better serve the needs of patients have been purchased at The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital (RJAH) by the hospital’s League of Friends.
The League of Friends has purchased 10 new corridor wheelchairs, which see the introduction of supermarket style security features. The new chairs are stacked together and fitted with links, which can only be released using a card.
The Portering team are responsible for transporting patients to the hospital services they require, but due to increased activity within the hospital their fleet of wheelchairs was struggling to keep up with demand.
The purchase of the wheelchairs cost more than £4,700.

Frank Riley, Head Porter, said: “On behalf of the Portering Team I would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks and appreciation to the League of Friends for the fantastic donation of funds to purchase 10 corridor wheelchairs. This will make a massive difference in transporting patients throughout the hospital as we currently have a shortage of chairs due to increased activity at the hospital.”
Victoria Sugden, League of Friends Charity Director, said: “Frank and his team do an exceptional job in caring for patients at RJAH, the League is more than pleased to be able to support the Portering Team by providing these easy-to-use wheelchairs that are also comfortable and practical for patients.”
Mark Brandreth, Chief Executive, added: “As the hospital grows, we are seeing more patients, which is why we needed to purchase these wheelchairs.
“I’d like to say a huge thank you to our League of Friends for purchasing them. They’re already making a difference to our patients.”