Posted on 23 September 2020

A previous patient at The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital (RJAH) took on the ‘Couch to 5K’ challenge in memory of the late Professor James Richardson, while also raising funds for the hospital’s League of Friends.

Helen Cotter set herself the challenge to mark 20 years since she underwent a hip replacement at RJAH and to honour Professor Richardson, who performed her surgery.
Professor Richardson sadly passed away unexpectedly in 2018.
Helen’s challenge raised an amazing £1,275 which will go towards a memorial garden for Professor Richardson, a project that is being managed by the hospital’s League of Friends.
Helen said: “I underwent a hip replacement in 2000 and although it took a few years to fully benefit from the surgery, Professor Richardson gave me the quality of life I hadn’t thought possible. Without the operation I would never have had my two lovely daughters.
“I was born with both hips dislocated and have undergone many operations. These operations began before the age of five and by my mid-twenties I found myself relying on crutches or a wheelchair to get around.
“I still remember the staff that cared for me with much gratitude and affection. ’Prof’, as he was fondly known at the hospital, was always warm, kind and encouraging, and I will forever be grateful that I was one of his patients”.
Professor Richardson’s Memorial Garden, which is to be located at RJAH, is a space that will reflect his important work on cell transplants and will be open for both staff and patients to enjoy.
Victoria Sugden, League of Friends Charity Director, said: “We can’t thank Helen enough for undertaking the ‘Couch to 5K’ to raise funds. To take on this kind of challenge is amazing but to do so having had hip replacement surgery is phenomenal – well done Helen!”