Posted on 31 March 2020

In an effort to show love, solidarity and support for front line workers, the League of Friends at The Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital (RJAH) have painted a rainbow and spring flowers in the window of the main entrance at the hospital.
The idea came from the nationwide campaign to encourage children to paint rainbows and put them in their windows. To lift people’s spirits and give a message of hope, we will get through this.
Charity Director, Victoria Sugden, said: “Rainbows have been springing up everywhere, it is a lovely idea and we thought RJAH could use a rainbow right now too! Massive thanks to Retail Manager, Toniann Darlington and Volunteer, Joanne Williams for painting late into the night, so it could be ready for the morning when staff arrived.
“We are very grateful to Meraki Colour art shop in Oswestry who kindly donated all the paint, what a wonderful gesture.”
As the lockdown commences The League of Friends have been working hard to find ways to keep in touch with their volunteer family, most of whom are shielding at home.
Head of Voluntary Services, Heather Thomas-Bache, said: “We currently have a Facebook group that volunteers are able to join – just search ‘The League of Friends RJAH Volunteers Group’ and request to become a member.
“We have also set up a WhatsApp group and if you would like to join this just send us a direct message via Facebook with your mobile number.
“Please be assured that we will be working on other communication channels for those who do not have WhatsApp or Facebook – watch this space!
“We are also gathering names of those in ‘not at risk’ categories who would like to offer their services during these difficult times. Obviously we are still working out details, safe ways of working and what will be required but if you would like to register your interest please contact me via email on”
Victoria added: “Our treasured NHS colleagues and friends are working so hard to keep us all safe, a little bit of something uplifting like the rainbow is the least we can do.”