Posted on 31 March 2020

The RJAH League of Friends (LoF) has placed 20 ‘Grab and Go’ boxes across the hospital to say thanks to workers during the current coronavirus crisis.

And the LoF is offering members of public the opportunity to join in by donating to a Just Giving that will help fund the snacks for staff.
“We have rolled out 20 ‘Grab and Go’ boxes, also known as ‘Hero Hampers’, across the hospital,” said a spokesman.
“The ‘Grab and Go’ boxes contain snacks and light bites that are completely free of charge and available to all the amazing staff that are working tirelessly across the Trust.
“The first drop off of ‘Grab and Go’ boxes include some items kindly donated by Tesco.
“If you would like to support this initiative please head to our JustGiving page at
“Just £10 can provide a ‘Grab and Go’ box full of healthy and nutritious snacks to keep a ward full of staff going.”