Posted on 2 November 2017

The League of Friends to RJAH has made a big splash with their recent purchase for the Hydrotherapy Pool. Hospital patients and members of Oswestry Disabled Swimming Club at The Robert Jones an Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital in Gobowen is celebrating following the installation of a new pool hoist.
The impressive £15,000 hoist purchase enables patients and pool users to get in and out of the pool and replaces the thirteen year old electric hoist which had suffered moisture damage. Staff and Oswestry Disabled Swimming Club volunteers will operate the hoist using a manual winding handle.
Victoria Sugden, Charity Director of the League of Friends to RJAH, said they were delighted to fund the hoist.
“We know how important use of the swimming pool is for RJAH patients and the Disabled Swimming Club, which is why when we’d heard about the damage to the previous hoist, we were keen to help and to avoid the moisture problem reoccurring we chose a manually operated hoist.”
Josie Williams, mother of 35-year-old James Leonard was the first person to use the hoist. James suffered an acquired brain injury almost seven years ago, and his sessions in the pool make up part of his physiotherapy.
James loves his time in the pool,” says Josie, “it makes a real difference to him but without the hoist he cannot use the pool, so of course we’re so thankful the League of Friends has funded this invaluable piece of kit.”
Lorraine Lewis, Service Manager for Therapies she was thrilled when the League of Friends agreed to purchase the hoist. The good news came after the old one had been out of order for some time, seriously impacting on users of the pool.
“This is great news; the hoist enables our spinal injuries patients to have full use of the pool again as it provides a crucial part of their rehabilitation programme,” says Lorraine.
Oswestry Disabled Swimming Club holds sessions every Tuesday afternoon at the Hydrotherapy Pool at RJAH.
Gill Cripps, Chairman of Oswestry Disabled Swimming Club added her sincere appreciation saying: “On behalf of everyone involved with the club I’d like to say a big thank you to the League of Friends for funding this important piece of equipment. The hoist plays a big part in helping members of the club, as well as RJAH patients. Time in the hydrotherapy pool not only aids recovery but provides members with much needed social time and freedom of movement.”